Trường Trung học Thực hành Đại học Sư phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh chia sẻ tới các em học sinh thông tin về Cơ quan Quản lý Văn bằng Scotland - Scottish Qualifications Authority. (File đính kèm:
The UK Organisation named Scottish Qualifications Authority, an executive non-departmental body of the Scottish government, is an international accreditation and awarding body with roots that go back over 120 years.
They work with a number of international partners around the world with whom we provide access to a broad range of our qualifications. Their focus is to provide qualifications aimed at young people aged 16+ including:
- Advanced Qualifications – equivalent to the 1st and 2nd year of an undergraduate degree, allowing entry to the 2nd or 3rd year of a full degree with a number of our university articulation partners.
- Customsied Qualifications – qualifications developed by you (your organisation) with the support of SQA. SQA provides accreditation, QA and verification services providing you (your organisation) with your own internationally recognised qualifications up to equivalent Masters level.
For further information on SQA, please contact Ms. Ho Thi Kim Phuong.
Ho Thi Kim Phuong | Trade Manager (Education)
Tel: +84 (28) 3825 1380 ext 2232
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